Most snakes have 6 rows of teeth.
90% of snake venom consists of protein.
Bacteria make up 10% of human body weight (without water).
11% of the world's population is left-handed.
One out of every 10 people worldwide lives on an island.
98% of the weight of water consists of oxygen.
A horse consumes 7 times its body weight in a year.
Cockroaches are the fastest 6-legged animals. at a speed of one meter per second.
Rabbits and parrots are able to see behind themselves without turning their heads.
Did you know that the beautiful eyes of an ostrich are bigger than its brain?
Did you know that cats can produce more than a hundred sounds with their larynx? While dogs less than ten voices.
Did you know that the number of Chinese who know English is more than the number of Americans who know English (!)
Did you know that elephants are the only animals that cannot jump?
Rhinos can run faster than humans.
There are no penguins in the North Pole.
The mother and wife of telephone inventor Graham Bell were both deaf.
Kannada is an Indian word meaning "big village".
Blue dog teeth never stop growing.
Whale's heart beats only 9 times per minute.
A cheetah is able to take steps of 8 meters at its maximum speed.
Chimpanzees can recognize their own faces in front of a mirror, but monkeys cannot.
The lifespan of dragonflies is only 24 hours.
The duration of the rotation of the planet Mercury is twice the duration of its rotation around the Sun.
The brightness of the full moon is 9 times that of the crescent moon.
An adult bear can run as fast as a horse.
Did you know that every time you press a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie?
Did you know that if you put a goldfish in a dark room, it will gradually turn white?
Did you know that the shortest war in history took place in 1896 between the Nazis and England, which lasted 38 minutes.
Did you know that in the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, which was built 2600 years before Christ. So much stone is used that a 50 cm high brick wall can be built around the world.
The heart of a hedgehog normally beats 190 times per minute, which decreases to 20 times per minute during hibernation.
Horses are able to sleep standing up.
Kangaroos are able to jump 3 meters up and 8 meters forward.
The heart of the shrimp is located in its head.
A species of rabbit is able to mate 12 hours after birth.
A volcanic mountain is able to throw small particles and dust up to a height of 50 kilometers into the surrounding space.
Woodpeckers are able to hit the tree trunk 20 times per second.
Every year, 500 films are made in America and 800 in India.
Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian.
All mammals except humans and monkeys are color blind.
The life of a crocodile is more than 100 years.
All the swans of England are among the possessions of the Queen of England.
Termites can survive under water for up to 2 days.
The taste of apple, onion and potato is the same, and it is only because of their smell that they get different flavors.
Elephants are able to consume 60 gallons of water and 250 kilograms of hay per day.
Owls are unable to move their eyes in the eye socket.
80% of microwaves from mobile phones are absorbed by the head.
Astronauts grow 5 to 7 cm taller when they are in space.
Belgium is the only country that does not censor immoral films.
Bulletproof vest, windshield wiper and laser printer are all inventions of women.
Banana is the most consumed fruit in America.
All humans on the planet have 99.9% genetic similarity.
98.5% of human and chimpanzee genes are the same.
The human heart beats an average of 100,000 times a day and 40 million times a year.
Leonardo da Vinci is the inventor of scissors.
The surface of Mexico City is sinking 25 cm per year.
50% of the world's population has never used a phone in their lifetime.
When the population of the planet decreases to 100 people, 50% of the world's money will be in the hands of 6 people.
Rats destroy 1/3 of the world's food resources every year.
2/3 of the world's executions take place in China.
The main anthem of Greece consists of 158 verses.
Crocodiles are able to close their jaws with a force of 1300 kg.
An average cow produces 2,300 gallons of milk per year.
By weight, the sun is composed of 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, 1.5% carbon + nitrogen + oxygen and 0.5% other elements.
On average, urban dogs live 3 years longer than rural dogs.
In America, 15 people die every year due to being bitten by dogs.
70% of the world's poor are women.
Every 2 weeks, one language in the world becomes extinct.
Van Gogh sold only one of his paintings during his lifetime.
Domestic cats spend 70% of their time sleeping.
Leopards can jump up to a height of 5 meters.
2/3 of the world's kidnappings take place in Colombia.
The venom of Australian brown snakes is so deadly that 0.002 grams of the venom of these snakes can kill a human.
The screwdriver was invented before the screw.
Automobile manufacturing is the largest industry in the world.
Sunlight takes 8.5 minutes to reach the earth.
Did you know that women blink twice as much as men?
Did you know that the oldest building in northern Tokyo is 50,000 years old?
Did you know that the skin layer that covers the elbow is changed every 10 days?