March 20, 2024

Introduction to Node.js

Published by
arsham hasani
36 published texts

Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It has gained immense popularity due to its versatility and performance. Here are some essential points about Node.js:

JavaScript Runtime:

Node.js allows you to run JavaScript code outside of the browser. It leverages the V8 JavaScript engine, which is also the core of Google Chrome. This separation from the browser environment enables Node.js to be highly efficient.

Single-Process Model:

Unlike traditional server-side technologies that create a new thread for each request, Node.js operates in a single process. It handles multiple requests concurrently without the overhead of managing thread concurrency.

Asynchronous I/O:

Node.js provides a set of asynchronous I/O primitives in its standard library. These primitives prevent JavaScript code from blocking, ensuring responsiveness even during I/O operations like reading from the network, accessing databases, or working with the filesystem.

Non-Blocking Paradigm:

Libraries in Node.js are designed using non-blocking paradigms. Blocking behavior is the exception rather than the norm. When an I/O operation occurs, Node.js doesn’t wait; it resumes execution when the response is ready.


Node.js excels at handling thousands of concurrent connections with a single server. Its event-driven architecture allows developers to build scalable applications efficiently.

Frontend Developers’ Advantage

Millions of frontend developers who write JavaScript for browsers can now seamlessly transition to writing server-side code using Node.js. No need to learn a completely different language!

ES6 Support:

Node.js supports the latest ECMAScript standards. You can use ES6 features without waiting for users to update their browsers. Simply choose the Node.js version that suits your needs.

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