November 06, 2024

crumpled banknote

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A famous speaker in a gathering of two hundred people took out a banknote from his pocket and asked: Who would like to have this banknote?

 The hands of all present went up.

 The speaker said: "Okay, I will give this bill to one of you, but before that I want to do something."  And then, in front of the surprised looks, he crumpled the bill and asked: Who still wants to have this bill?

 And again the hands of the attendees went up.

 The barman dropped the crumpled bill on the ground and kicked it several times and dragged it to the ground with his shoe.  Then he took the banknote and asked: Well, now who is willing to own this banknote?  And everyone's hands went up again.  The speaker said: Friends, with these disasters that I caused to the banknote, the value of the banknote did not decrease and you all want it.

 And he continued: It is the same in real life, in many cases we bend, crumple, get dirty with the decisions we make or with the problems we face and feel that we are no longer worthy of protection.  But this is not the case and regardless of what has happened to us, we never lose our value and we are still valuable to the people who love us.

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