November 07, 2024

The sport of golf

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Golf is one of the outdoor sports and games in which players, individually or as a team, throw a small ball into a hole in the ground with special sticks.  In general, golf is throwing a ball from the starting point of the game into a hole by one or more consecutive shots and according to specific rules.

History of the sport of golf

Regarding the sport of golf, it can be said that the initial start of the game of golf was from Scotland.  The Scots have been very interested in this sport since ancient times, and they had a club to play the games in which all the players were members.  Since the 15th century, golf has been played in its present form, a small white golf ball was pushed on the ground with a special club so that it falls into a hole marked in the grass field.

The golf course has an area of ​​about 30,000 to 40,000 square meters.  To play golf, special spiked shoes are needed so that the player's foot does not rotate when hitting.  Golf clothes are also made of special material for ease of body movement

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