November 11, 2024

Minister of Nader Shah

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171 published texts

Nader Shah was walking in his garden when the tired and unhappy gardener went to him and said:

 King, what is the difference between me and your minister??!!

 I have to work hard and sweat like this, but he is living in grace and enjoying his life!!!

 Nader Shah thought for a while and ordered the gardener and his minister to come to the palace…

 They both came and Nader Shah said: 

 Go to the corner of the garden where a cat has given birth and see how many babies she has given birth to!

 Both of them went to the garden and returned to the king after checking and announced their report…

 First, the gardener said: 

 Kings, I saw those cats gave birth to three beautiful kittens.…

 Then it was the minister's turn, he opened a sheet and started reading from his writings:

 O king, I went to the southwest corner of the garden under your command, and under the mulberry tree I saw that white cat, she gave birth to three kittens, two of them male and one female, the males are white and the other is black and white, the female kitten is gray.  is color  They are about a month old. I secretly monitored the mother and found out that the cook gives extra food to the mother of the cats every day and this is how the kittens feed on their mother's milk.

 Also, the left eye of the female kitten is infected, which may cause problems!!!

 Nader Shah turned to the gardener and said that you have become a gardener and he is a minister.

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