November 12, 2024

Little Donnie

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171 published texts

A family of monkeys lived in a remote forest.  They were a happy family.  

 Father monkey jumped from branch to branch and found fruit.  He picks the juiciest and tastiest fruits and brings them home to his family. 

 The mother monkey was taking care of their little son Dani at home.  He nursed the little child and carried him here and there.

 The little monkey was so small that he could not eat fruit or walk on his own feet and had to sleep next to his mother. 

 Soon, Donnie grew up.  Now he could walk and eat fruit.  Every day father went out to pick fruits, mother did the same, Donny also went out and played with his friends and learned many things about the forest.

 One day, his mother told him that soon another little monkey will enter their family

 His mother said to him with a smile: Your mother loves you.  Your father loves you too and you are going to have a brother or sister who loves you too.

 Doni was very excited and happy and promised his mother that he would help her in taking care of the baby...After a few months, the baby was born.  He was cute and small.  Mother had to spend most of her time taking care of him, hugging him and sleeping next to him at night.  Father used to come home with many fruits.  He was tired.  But he always went to Donnie and his little sister and kissed them.  They played and laughed a lot.  The mother had to hug the little monkey and be with him all the time

 But Donny was not always happy about having a little sister.  He loved her.  He was cute and funny.  However, Donny liked to be the only child in the family.

 He was upset and a little angry.  He thought to himself, why does mom always have to be with the little baby!

 He decided not to play with his little sister anymore and not to help his mother with the housework

 One day the mother noticed that Doni was not happy.  His mother asked him: Do you know?  Is something bothering you?  Do you want to talk about it?  Donnie didn't want to say anything at first.  It was not easy for him to talk about his feelings.  But his mother loved him and wanted to talk to him.  Finally, Donny told his mother that he doesn't feel good about the new baby.He said: It's like you don't love me anymore, you want to be with my little sister forever. You definitely love her more than me.

 His mother hugged him and said: So it is because of this that you are sad.  Donnie nodded without saying a word.  "I love you, Donnie," her mother explained.  I love your little sister too.  I love you both.  Then he took Doni's hands and said: If you see me hugging your little sister and taking care of her, it is because she is not yet as big and strong as you.  Children need their mother's help and attention so that they can grow and become strong and big like you.

 The mother smiled and went to the family album and said to Danny: Come here and sit on my lap.  I want to show you some pictures.

 The mother opened the family album and showed him many photos of herself with a small baby.  But that little baby in her mother's arms was not their little sister

 Donny asked: Who is this child? 

 His mother answered: It is you, my dear.Danny was surprised to see the photos.  He had forgotten that he was once a small baby and needed his mother's nursing and care

 Doni said while feeling satisfied: "I have grown up now."  I can walk, eat and sleep alone.

 His mother said: “That's right, my dear.”

 Donny said: I love my little sister and I want to help you.  Whenever you need help, tell me mom.

 His mother hugged him, kissed him and said: I loved you when you were a little baby, and now that you are grown up and strong, I love you.  I love you always.

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