November 14, 2024

Staying the same until the end is an art

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2 published texts

Everyone is good first
everyone loves first
everyone make time for you firs.
See for whom until the end like the first.


We don't meet people by accident. Everyone is meant to cross our path for a reason.


"Do not worry about what has happened to you, and place your trust only in God...
For He knows how to compensate you.
Your God is the God of countless opportunities."


"Sometimes, there are moments when you suddenly remember things you thought you'd completely forgotten, and once again, you find yourself in the middle of them. It’s not just that you’ve remembered; it's like you're repeating a part of your past all over again. And when you come to yourself, you realize the night has fallen. That’s how autumn is—just like that. One minute, if you're not paying attention, you find yourself stuck somewhere between day and night, living the forgetfulness of your own life once more."

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