Technology does not have an impact on the environment. The 20th century has been a century full of developments in the environment and technology.
The impact of humans on the environment is not hidden from anyone. It can be said that there is no habitat that has not been changed by humans. Environment can be developed and investigated like technological issues.
Today, the environment is severely damaged, both in the field of soil, water and air, and in other fields, which has caused the emergence of many diseases.
Advancement and development of technology and environment
The development of technology has had an undeniable impact on the growth and scientific progress, improving the health status and increasing the life expectancy level, and with the increase in the growth and development of technology, the speed of changes has increased greatly.
This high growth has greatly worried the world community. Because we know that natural resources and energy reserves are not permanent. The consequences of its misuse will involve the next generation.
Do you know that the Internet accounts for 2% of the world's carbon pollution? You must be asking yourself how?
The content of the sites are stored in large servers. These servers require a lot of electricity to operate, and this high electricity consumption accounts for 2% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions.
Destructive effects of technology development on the environment
Computer component factories usually produce toxic substances. These produced materials are very toxic and should not enter the underground water under any circumstances.
These toxic substances cause disorders in the body's immune system. It also causes various diseases for the environment and living organisms.
Direct impact of technology on human life
Technology and its techniques have always played an important role in the evolution of human life.
These developments have transformed human life so much that sociologists have classified the basis of human history based on the type of tools it produced.
Of course, we should not ignore the fact that this technology has caused relative prosperity in all human societies.
With all the flaws that were mentioned in the previous parts, we are all aligned with this technology and without it some part of our urban life is lame.