November 02, 2024

always beautiful

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171 published texts

Have you ever been to the dentist? First, the doctor injects a few shots into your gums, then grabs the drill... Sometimes, from the intensity of the pain, we grip the chair handles tightly, and tears well up in our eyes. Why don't you hit him? Why don't you scream? You've endured all this pain, all these injections, drills, and pliers... Why don't you complain to him? Why don't you protest? And then, after all that, we thank him and, as we leave, we ask, "Doctor, when is the next appointment?"

Don't you want to have as much faith in God as you do in a "dentist"? We don't complain to the doctor because we know this pain has a purpose and leads to healing. We know there's wisdom behind it. Well, God is also wise... In the past, doctors were called "Hakim" (wise), meaning their actions are based on wisdom.

When pain and suffering come into our lives, let's thank Him and ask, "When is the next session? The next suffering?" Tell me, do you not accept God's credentials? Not even as much as a "dentist"?

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