November 02, 2024

God and the little worm

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171 published texts

"It was the day of distribution.

God was distributing existence.

God said: Ask for anything from me.

Whatever it may be, I will give it to you.

Request your share of existence because God is very generous.

And everyone came asking for something.

One requested wings to fly, another asked for legs to run.

One wished for a large body, and another for sharp eyes.

One chose the sea and another the sky.

Among them, a little worm came forward and said to God:

I do not want much from this existence, no sharp eyes or large body, no wings or legs, neither the sky nor the sea.

Just give me a little bit of yourself, just a little bit of yourself.

And God gave him a little light.

His name became the firefly.

God said: He who carries a light is great, even if it's as small as a speck.

You are now that sun which sometimes hides beneath a small leaf.

And He said to the others: I wish you knew that this little worm asked for the best.

Because one should only ask God for God…

For thousands of years, he has been shining. He shines on the lap of existence.

When there are no stars, the light of the firefly shines, and no one knows that this is the same light that God once bestowed upon a little worm."

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