December 03, 2024

Shooking effects of gooning your brain

Published by
Amenda ershadi
19 published texts

What is gooning?

The word "gooning" has spread like wildfire on the internet and has become quite hard to escape. If you don't know what gooning is, it's actually the act of masturbating without orgasm, which is supposed to lead to a sort of pleasure trance. This topic is quite taboo, so people are hesitant to discuss it. You might not even realize how this topic affects you, largely due to the lack of available resources. We hope to empower viewers to make more informed decisions.

The Purpose of Gooning

To learn more about this, let's take a look at what gooning does to your brain. Despite being a big part of 2024, the term isn't that new. The main purpose of gooning is to enter the so-called pleasure trance. According to an essay on solo and autosexuality published in 2020, gooning is that point of pure sexual ecstasy dragged out over a long time. The feeling is extended through the use of edging. In essence, you would masturbate until you're about to reach orgasm and then slow down to stop yourself from finishing. Do this for long enough, and you'll feel yourself enter a trance or mental blankness.

▎The Effectiveness of Gooning

But does this actually work, and can that be good for you? Impressions are mixed on whether or not that state of sexual euphoria is real. Perhaps there's a placebo effect happening where the expectation of an orgasm allows you to be more open to entering a sort of trance. Those who have gooned or edged tend to agree that that state of euphoria or hypnosis isn't real or is at least greatly exaggerated. In reality, gooning is just an extended session of edging.

▎Characteristics of Gooning

We can break gooning down into two characteristics that work together in order to get a better understanding of what it's doing to your brain. The first characteristic is short-term semen retention, which isn't unhealthy but is unlikely to provide the long-term benefits of semen retention, like less stress and more energy, because in this context it's only done in service of a greater orgasm later on. The second is compulsive masturbation, which carries implications for what it can do to your brain.

▎Psychological Implications

▎Edging and Orgasm

Edging involves holding off on orgasm so you can have a more powerful orgasm when you eventually do. While there are benefits to masturbation, and edging is a fairly common practice, using it to constantly seek greater and greater orgasms—like you theoretically would by gooning—could indicate excessive masturbation. Psychologists identify excessive masturbation as hypersexual behavior. This makes sense considering that the act of gooning involves dedicating a long period of time to masturbation and pornography consumption.

▎The Danger of Hypersexuality

Treating masturbation and porn consumption like a hobby that you dedicate exorbitant time and even money to puts you dangerously close to—or within the realm of—being hypersexual. If your porn and masturbation habits are taking time and attention away from other more important things, you may have a problem. This intense focus on porn and masturbation can affect you in many different ways.


Psychological dependence is when you rely on a substance so much that you need it just to get through the day. So if you can't go a day without watching porn or masturbating, it's likely you have a psychological dependence on it. As any addict would know, it takes more and more stimulation to achieve the same high. When we apply this idea to gooning, which takes this overstimulation to the extreme, the potential damage to the pleasure sensors in the brain is greatly increased. Gooning can even be a symptom of a psychological dependence on masturbation as people try to explore ways to get more pleasure out of masturbation.

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