Sure! Here are 10 effective exercises to help you build bigger forearms
1.Wrist Curls: Sit on a bench, hold a barbell or dumbbells, and curl your wrists upwards. Repeat for several sets.
2.Reverse Wrist Curls: Similar to wrist curls, but with your palms facing down. This targets the extensors.
3.Hammer Curls: Hold dumbbells with your palms facing each other and curl them up. This also works the forearms.
4.Farmers Walk: Grab a heavy pair of dumbbells or kettlebells and walk for distance. Great for grip strength!
5.Towel Grip Pull-ups: Wrap a towel around the pull-up bar and grip it to perform pull-ups. This increases grip strength.
6.Plate Pinches: Hold two weight plates together with your fingers for as long as possible to enhance grip strength.
7.Wrist Roller: Use a wrist roller device to lift and lower a weight attached to a rope, focusing on wrist and forearm muscles.
8.Dead Hangs: Hang from a pull-up bar for as long as you can. This strengthens the forearms and grip.
9.Reverse Curls: With an EZ curl bar or dumbbells, hold the weight with an overhand grip and curl it up. This targets the brachioradialis.
10.Finger Curls: Hold a barbell or dumbbell in your hands and curl your fingers upwards.
This isolates the forearm flexors. Incorporate these into your routine, and you'll notice gains in your forearm strength and size! Remember to rest and allow recovery for
optimal growth. Happy lifting!