November 07, 2024

The story of entering heaven

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170 published texts
One day a man dreamed that he died and after crossing a bridge he reached the gate of heaven.  The gatekeeper of heaven said to the man: “You must have a hundred points to enter heaven, tell me the good deeds you have done in the world so that I can give you points.” The man said: "I married my wife, treated her kindly for 50 years and never cheated on her."  "These three points," said the angel. The man added: "I believed in God all my life and even guided others to the right path."  "This is also a bonus," said the angel.  The open man continued: "I built an orphanage in the city and gathered homeless children there and helped them."  "This is two points," said the angel. The man said while crying, "In this condition, I will never enter Paradise unless God extends His grace to me."  The angel smiled and said: “Yes, the only way for humans to enter heaven is by divine grace, and now this grace includes you and you have been granted permission to enter heaven!”You live in a nature that God created, so in any nature you must obey the law there!  The Law of Emptiness: To be empty, every human being of hatred, envy, lies, etc.  The more empty the mind is, the more divine blessings it attracts. The law of order: disorder always destroys the blessing and takes it from us. The law of purity: purity attracts purity, so purify yourself so that God's mercy will flow to you, and this purity is not limited to the purity of the body, but purity. mind, heart  It is the language of thought!  The Law of Dawn: Your energy starts from early morning, it gets less and less the closer it gets to the day, the peak of energy is early in the morning!  The law of congregation: that is, being together, the sum of its energy is greater than the sum of its parts! The Law of Coordination: Success means promoting all aspects of life in a coordinated way!  The law of diversity: even if we move the household items once in a while, wear colorful clothes and don't use a particular color all the time because it brings fatigue!  Law of love: if someone has a bad behavior, come and pray for him!  Good behavior and gratitude for the blessing is the reason for the continuation of the blessing.

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