November 08, 2024

What is meant by the schema of distrust?

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What is meant by the schema of distrust?

One of the mental schemas that clearly manifests itself in some people is the schema or trap of distrust. Since one of the important principles in establishing friendly, emotional, work, etc. relationships is trust, when people suffer from this schema, they may also experience problems and disruptions in their interaction and communication with others.

A person suffering from the schema of distrust feels that others, even those close to them, are not honest with them and that others in general are not trustworthy and even intend to hurt and harm them.

This feeling and mindset causes the person to be suspicious of others and unable to communicate well with them.

 Distinctive features of the schema or trap of distrust

In order to treat the schema of distrust, it is necessary to first pay attention to some behavioral signs and symptoms, because people who suffer from the schema of distrust often have the following behavioral characteristics.

People who suffer from the schema of distrust cannot accept any evidence or documents due to their suspicion and distrust of others, or over time they can hardly trust and accept the evidence and documents presented. In general, the process of trusting others is also very difficult for these people.

Since people with a distrust schema believe that others intend to harm them, they cannot communicate well with others and avoid becoming close to others because they think that the closer they are to others, the easier it is to hurt them.

The person's circle of relationships with others is very limited because their level of suspicion and suspicion of others is very high, which prevents them from establishing friendly and intimate relationships.

People who need to go through the stages of treatment for a distrust schema consider the world to be an unsafe place and believe that they are constantly being abused and complain about this.

These people consider others to be untrustworthy and dangerous and look for behavioral signs and symptoms in every situation that they consider dangerous, harmful, and unreliable.

 In general, these people are constantly suspicious of others and cannot trust anyone but themselves. However, it is interesting to note that most people who suffer from a distrust schema also act in accordance with their beliefs and harm others because they believe that it is better to harm others before they are harmed by them.

In this article, we examined the characteristics of the distrust trap.

Mistrust trap, distrust, schema, trait Mistrust trap, trait Mistrust schema.

Causes of the distrust schema

The distrust schema is also created due to some reasons that are generally more obvious in childhood and intensifies over time in adulthood. For this reason, we need to get acquainted with some of the reasons that cause the distrust schema to appear in childhood.

Parents' harshness towards the child

Parental modeling

Parental arguments and arguments with each other

Sexual abuse or rape

Parental harshness towards the child

The type of behavior of parents with their child is very important, especially in childhood. When parents mistreat their child and harass him with repeated insults, scolding, etc. or beat him and try to discipline their child by using physical punishment methods, this child will suffer from a distrust schema in the future and at an older age.


Instead of observing appropriate behavior and treatment from their parents, the child witnesses mistreatment and beating from their parents at every occurrence, supposedly childish mistakes, and this also causes signs of distrust to appear in them in adulthood and is present in every situation, and the need to treat the distrust schema becomes mandatory.

Modeling from parents

Some parents themselves are also distrustful of others and encourage their child to trust others.

These parents repeatedly warn their child and forbid him from trusting others because they consider the child's trust in others to be equal to being hurt by them, which is why a trap of distrust is formed in the child and intensifies in adulthood.

Parents arguing with each other

When a child witnesses frequent fights between their parents at a sensitive age and is constantly afraid and worried about their behavior and the consequences of their fights, in adulthood they develop a distrust schema due to concerns about how others will behave and interact.

Sexual abuse or rape

One of the reasons that causes severe distrust in some people towards others is a history of sexual rape by others.

Since the person has suffered psychological trauma due to this incident, it is difficult for them to trust others, therefore sexual rape is one of the most important reasons that can cause a distrust schema in some people and it is necessary to definitely treat the distrust schema.

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