Myna is a very popular ornamental or pet bird among people, which has an aggressive spirit. Myna's food includes: insects, fruits and nectars.As you know, the pet market is very hot nowadays. Some people are very fond of dogs and cats and others are very fond of birds. The talking minnow is one of the popular birds that has different types. This bird belongs to the starling family and is native to Asia, especially Iran, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. However, some types of Myna birds, especially its common breed, have been seen in North America, South Africa, and New Zealand, and they are called invasive species. But only some of them have the ability to imitate human speech. Myna chicken food is a combination of insects and fruits that you can also get from Dane Market. Stay with us to learn more about the types of talking minnows and their maintenance conditions.Types of talking minnows and their general characteristicsTalking minnows usually have dark, mostly brown feathers. However, some of them have decorative colors such as yellow in the head area. The nests of most of these birds are in natural holes on trees or walls. Their habitat is relatively free countries and tropical regions. Types of minnows include yellow, golden minnow, long-tailed, hooded, crested, white-necked, fiery, finch, common, southern, Sri Lankan, crested, white-skinned, collared, Bali, black starling, red-faced, He pointed out white cheeks and...Minna's natural habitatThe talking minnow is the second most popular bird among humans after the gray parrot. Because it has the ability to imitate a very strong voice and a very friendly and social personality. As we said, this bird is native to Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Iran and Indonesia. In ancient Greece, the talking minnow was one of the aristocratic birds. The name of this bird means pleasure and fun. Among his other names are Kalapapriya (one who loves to argue), Chitrantza (beautiful eyes), Pitantra (yellow eyes) and Pitpad (yellow feet).Minna's natural habitatThe talking minnow is the second most popular bird among humans after the gray parrot. Because it has the ability to imitate a very strong voice and a very friendly and social personality. As we said, this bird is native to Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Iran and Indonesia. In ancient Greece, the talking minnow was one of the aristocratic birds. The name of this bird means pleasure and fun. Among his other names are Kalapapriya (one who loves to argue), Chitrantza (beautiful eyes), Pitantra (yellow eyes) and Pitpad (yellow feet).Domestic minnowBut among all the species of this bird, only two types of eared and common myna are kept as pets. The eared enamel can speak perfectly like a human, which is why it has more fans in the West. The common minnow is mostly an insect hunter. Among these types of birds, the Bali minnow is in danger of extinction. Currently, there are less than 100 Bali minas in the wild.In general, these birds have a very friendly, lively and intelligent personality that is compatible with living in a cage. They enjoy interacting and socializing with people. However, they do not like to be petted at all. Young Minas easily adapt to new environments and people. Therefore, it is better to put them in different situations such as: traveling by car, veterinary medicine, rooms, etc. These birds are closer to those who pay more attention to them. The minnow cleans its cage by itself and this is one of their unique features.Conditions for keeping talking minnowsSince these birds are very lively, they need a large cage. Its dimensions should be at least 2 x 2 x 4 feet. Inside the cage, there should be several seats at different heights. This will help strengthen the bird's legs. Their material is also better than natural wood. The bird's nest should be placed in a place away from the wind. It is better to cover the cage at night. These birds are very sensitive to strong smoke and smell. For this reason, their nest should not be near the kitchen.Myna likes a bath with water very much. So provide him with a fairly large container that he can throw the water around while taking a bath. In fact, this work plays an important role in maintaining the bird's feathers by removing dust, dander, loose feathers, ticks and moisturizing the body. Also, minnows should not be kept in a place with ventilation and heating systems. Because it dries his skin.Feeding minnowsAs we said, these birds feed on insects. Therefore, they are usually used to repel pests, especially locusts. Although myna birds live in tropical regions, they have the ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures. They usually tolerate the average temperature of the hottest 23.2 and the average temperature of the coldest -4 degrees Celsius. These birds can be a serious threat to orchards and at the same time destroy insects and pests in plowed fields.In this way, they are useful for farmers. Myna birds fall in love quickly. For this reason, they may marry several times during their life. The lifespan of these birds is between 10 and 15 years. Another interesting thing is that as these birds get older, the color around their eyes becomes darker. The roof of the mouth of the male Myna bird is black and this method is usually used to determine their gender.I hope you enjoyed this informative article