One day, a stingy man who had spent his whole life accumulating wealth and accumulated a lot of money and property said to his wife before his death: I want to take all my property to the next world.
He asked his wife to bury all his money in the coffin with him. The woman also promised to do so. A few days later, the stingy man said goodbye to Fani.
When the burial officials performed the special ceremony and wanted to close the man's coffin and put it in the grave, suddenly his wife said: wait. I have to follow my late husband's will. Let me also put this box in his coffin. Friends of the deceased, who were surprised by his wife's work, said to him, “Did you really act foolishly and follow the will of the deceased?”
The woman said: I could not go against my promise. My wife asked me to put all her possessions in her coffin and I did so.
Of course, I collected all his assets and saved the money in my bank account. In return, I wrote a check for the same amount in my husband's account and put it in his coffin, so that if he can collect it and spend the entire amount.