November 04, 2024

Advantages of online and internet marketing

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In the previous article, we talked about internet sales and marketing, and in this article we will mention its other points.                

 Advantages of online and internet marketing:

 1- Green advertising:

 In this kind of advertising that takes place online, it saves a lot on its paper type, you can imagine the costs of pamphlets, brochures, business cards, flyers, etc., which today require a lot of money.  It will be removed from the list of your advertising expenses.

 2- Unlimited audience:

 By using internet marketing methods and such advertisements, your customer is not limited to a specific area and your collection is not limited to the same native circle in any place and situation.  You can target audience from all over the world.

 3- Optimal and cheap price

 These types of services and advertisements have a much lower price than other media, for example, mass media, environmental media, billboards, etc., cost a lot, so Internet marketing is a good opportunity, especially for startups.

4- Editable advertisements:

 For your business, it has happened that you have made a mistake in advertising or forced changes.  For example, when your phone line or address changes, or you have new information, in online marketing, you do not need to bear the costs of brochures and catalogs again. This editing feature is applicable for you at no cost.

 The best internet marketing methods are:

 1- Professional website design

 Website design is one of the best methods of online marketing.  Every internet marketing team should be familiar with the knowledge and principles of site design and web programming and be able to design a site that complies with all UI standards and user experience UX.  The design of this website should be such that it leads the incoming user to become a customer.  The requirement for designing a standard site is to be familiar with the modern science of web programming and to have sufficient experience in implementing internet projects.  If the website design is not done properly, the activities that are supposed to lead to an increase in visits in online marketing will lose their efficiency and will not have the proper efficiency for you.

2- Internet advertising 

 Advertising tools can be used for marketing on the Internet, the most important of which is the advertising system of Google called AdWords.  In this system, your ads are displayed at the top and bottom of Google search results based on the type of keyword searched by the user and can have a great potential to attract customers who are looking for your goods and services.

There are many platforms for advertising in the Internet environment, advertising in search engines, banner advertising, email marketing, site optimization or SEO, advertising in mobile apps and advertising in social networks and viral marketing, including some methods of online advertising.

3- Data analysis and site status

 In cyberspace, data is very important and practically nothing can be done without using analytical tools.  By using site analysis tools such as Google Analytics, we can understand that:

 What is the number of visits to the site?

 How many of these users are one-time logins and how many return users?

 How many minutes does the user stay on the site?

 What is the number of visits to different social networks?

 What device does the user use to browse the site?

 From what sources and to what extent is the user directed to the site?

 Which pages of the site have the most popularity and user attraction?

 Which pages of the site had the highest user exit rate?

 and other information that can be a decision light for the future trend of the site and help a lot to optimize different parts of the site, and one of the most important tasks of any online marketing team is to analyze this data and provide a solution based on it.

4- SEO and site optimization

 Today, there are many competitors for every business in the online space, and people enter one of the results (in most cases, one of the first 3 results) based on the type of their search on the Google results page. SEO includes many points that are parts  It is related to the internal issues of the site, which is called On Page Seo, and parts of it are related to issues outside the site and is known as Off Page Seo.  Adhering to all the principles related to empty and external SEO of the site together optimizes and increases the popularity of the site for search engines, which results in reaching the first ranks of Google and other search engines.

 It is very important to pay attention to SEO because the majority of users search about it before starting anything, and the first site they go to is Google. 

 5- Content marketing

 Content is king. You must have come across this saying that there is a lot of meaning behind it.  If you want to have more sales, it is not important to just have the product because many people can have that product and sell it even at a lower price.  In this competitive market, the winner is a seller who can win the user's trust, and this winning trust is possible by providing quality content.  A company that provides internet marketing services should be able to be a good guide for creating content for your site.

 How to choose the title of the articles

 How many standard words should be in a text?

 What is the keyword and how should it be used in the text

 What is keyword density and how much should it be?

 How to use multimedia (photo, video, audio) in articles

 How should the internal and external linking of the text be

 The things mentioned are the most important capabilities that any online marketing service provider should have.

How can you choose the best among the various marketing methods on the Internet?

 To choose among the many marketing methods, you have to answer a few questions, how much do you want to spend on your marketing?  How long do you want to pay this fee?  How much durability in the market do you expect from this amount of money?  How much sales do you expect from your marketing?  Are you just starting a business or want to do marketing for a well-known business?

The answers to these questions will make it easier for you to choose the right marketing solutions for you.  Do not forget that the economy in general is a turbulent phenomenon.  Therefore, when choosing marketing methods, estimate the probability of marketing coinciding with an economic crisis.  Otherwise, you might end up spending all of your advertising money on an ad that has no response.

 The first tool to start working in the Internet world is to have a website, that is, a portal that connects you to the audience.  Now that this portal was built with standard principles by experts, it should be optimized for search engines, audience attraction should start from wherever the audience exists, such as Internet forums, email systems, social networks and mobile apps.  There are many online marketing tools and people need high expertise to be able to work with all the tools.  Some online marketing tools, such as social networks, are free to use, which can be used to reach millions of users, and by allocating a budget, appropriate advertising campaigns can be launched in them and thus attract new customers.

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