November 06, 2024

change the world

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171 published texts

It is said that there was a millionaire man living in Japan who couldn't sleep because of eye pain and had injected himself with all kinds of pills and ampoules to treat his eye pain, but he didn't get much results.

   After many consultations with many doctors and specialists, he sees a holy and well-known monk to treat his pain.

   He goes to the monk and after examining him, the monk suggested him not to look at any color except green for a while.

    After returning from the monk, he orders all his servants to buy barrels of green paint and paint the whole house green.

   He also changes all the furniture in the house with the same color.

   After some time, he changes the color of the car, the clothes of the family members and employees, and everything in sight to green color and its combinations, and of course, his eyes are relieved.

   After some time, the millionaire man invites him to his house to thank the monk.

   The monk, who enters his house in orange clothes, realizes that he has to change his clothes and wear a green cloak.  He also did the same and when he reaches his patient, he asks him if his eye pain has been relieved.

    The rich man also thanked and said: “Yes. But this was the most expensive treatment I have ever had.”

   The monk is surprised and tells his patient, on the contrary, this is the cheapest prescription I have ever prescribed.

   To treat your eye pain, it was enough to buy glasses with green glass and there was no need to spend so much.

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